Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My fault!?!?!?!?!?!?! MY ASS!

Afternoon my little STFU'S! So have you have known someone who did something bad and they told you about it? However what they told you affects a great friend of yours, so you have to tell that friend. This person then gets mad at you even though they are the ones who did something wrong. Now you may say " But you betrayed that friend!" Well shut the fuck up! They can't get mad that people know about something when they were the ones who talked about it first. Another group of people who need to get the fuck off the planet is relationshit developers (No typo). These are people who seem to think they have some sort of relationship with someone, when in reality this person was just being nice to them and they developed in their fucked up little minds that they had a relationship.  I HEARD YOU GUYS TOLD PEOPLE I SWEAR ON MY BLOG! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTIES!!!!!  Joking obviously, until next time have a super day.

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