Friday, April 8, 2011

No clever title, I just really hate annoying people!

CHELLO! (NO TYPO) How are my STFU'S today? So I can not stand annoying people. A specific kind of annoying person, this person is known as the sit starter idiot who can't handle when someone they like is dating someone else so they get mad at this person and start saying stuff about them. I understand liking someone and being jealous, but I don't go around saying we had a relationship and they cheated on my with the person they are dating. Now because they did this people take their side and start talking shit about   this couple. I am here to say SHUT UP! The other type of annoying person is over dramatic laughers. I don't mean people with loud laughs, I mean people who laugh obnoxiously. This includes putting their head on a desk to laugh, laughing for ten minuets,  making and annoying sounds, or repeating the joke even though it was just said. Hopefully you don't know anyone like this, but if you do PUNCH THEM IN THE EYE! Night night my children!

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