Sunday, December 18, 2011

Suck my diction!

Hello my little STFU's! So I just completed my first semester of university and holy shit was that not fun! Anyway I have come today to discuss annoying people and their vocabulary. The first kind of DICKtion user I hate is the one who uses bigger words than are necessary, just to sound smart. I have what is known as a BS detector, and I am able to tell when you are using big words just to sounds smart because they make you seem like a total douche bag. I'm not saying that using big words makes you a douche, but if you normally talk one way to me and then when you write or talk to someone else you use big words for the sake of sounding smart, you are a douche and need to stop. The second kind of person I hate is people who target others vocabulary to win an argument. An example is, I say "all a y'all" and when I debate with someone they target this and say "wow, you're a hick, ahuck!" Okay first of, that doesn't make your point right, second you are a total dick, third I will cut you down like a fucking tree! So I guess what I'm saying is An extensive vocabulary is a marvelous instrument in the art of Linguistics (See how annoying that is.) Anyway have a good day, I've got some bitches that need cutting.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What do we have here? Nothing, stop snooping!

Hello my stfu's! At one point or another we have all been on the computer or our phones and had someone creeping behind us. After you look at them they try to make it seem like they weren't reading your messages and so they ask "What are you doing?" Now this person is just curious, but remember Mitchell killed the curious.... I think that is how the phrase goes, anyway a good trick for these people is to reply with 'Talking shit about you". The reason this is a good thing to say is because that person was thinking that you were saying bad things about them to begin with and even though you say it jokingly they freak out and wonder if it is true. Another person I have a problem with is the can I use your phoney? These people pretend that they want to use your phone when if reality they wanna creep your texts, thus the name PHONEY! Clever I know. Anyway have a good night and turn around because someone is reading over your shoulder!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm back bitches

Hello my STFU'S I have returned to bring you the bitchiest comments on the net. Stay slutty

Monday, May 16, 2011


Well Hello my little STFU'S. So we have been in a situation when we had to ask someone a simple question and they know the answer. So we do our little dance for information and we say thank you and you close you Facebook Chat message and then boom new message. You open it and they say "No problem, so what are you up too?" no big deal I mean come on they helped you the least you could do is answer their question so you reply with "Not much just watching t.v, what about you" and you get the normal "Nothing, LOL :P" so you reply with "HAHAHAHAHAH" even though it was the least funny thing in the world. So done right? FUCKING WRONG! They come out you with "So I was buying a garbage can and after I bought my garbage can a man saw me and said boy you look like you could help and I did need help!" Now if you are like me you have no idea where this came from and have no clue how to reply so you come back with the always safe "haha." Finally they send you a link to something stupid youtube video and you reply with "Sorry I have to go but I'll watch it later." Which means you sign of Facebook chat and keep on creeping. I hope you guys have a great night and don't run into any long winded hoes.

Monday, May 9, 2011

There is being a bitch and then there is being mean

Another late night post my little STFU'S. So I want you to understand something... I am being a bitch in the right way. I am trying to make it so you can be proud of being a bitch but some people misunderstood me. They think I mean I want you to be mean to everyone. Being a bitch means making people look at their flaws (not physical but socially) and making them realize they need to change. Being mean is when you target someone's weakness to hurt them. Now the flaw I am pointing out today is being a nasty little person who thinks they are justified to say what ever they want because they think they are better then everyone.  Now what I want you guys to do is if you notice someone being mean I want you to stand up for who they are being mean to even if you don't like the person being made fun of. No one deserves to feel like they are wrong because of things they can't control but everyone deserves to feel like someone cares. Have a wonderful night you beautiful bitches.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hello my little STFU'S so I haven't done a bitch rant for a little while now but have no fear your bitch is here. Now I don't like people who put bullshit on facebook that I know is just to make people think they are cool. Example Under list of inspirational people some people put Nelson Mandela and they don't even now anything that he has done for Civil Rights and South Africa. Or they put a quote from the bible or a famous quote and everyone likes it and puts comments like "That is so deep... I like to pretend that Airplanes are shooting stars because I have issues LOL!" News flash dumbass they didn't think of the quote, they used google until they found something that they could understand. I know we don't have to be honest on facebook but at least we should stop trying to seem better then we are. I lie on facebook however; I don't like things or people because I think people will like them. I liked them because I like them (God that sounds confusing) Anyway I am going to go to bed and don't worry my status won't be "Is staying up forever"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Yeah I am nasty, bitchy, and annoying

I am nasty
I am Bitchy
I am annoying

You are right
You are great
You are loved

Everyone is upset
Everyone will get over it
Everyone Stops being nice

No one is mad at you
No one is annoyed
No one is worst

I am Nasty
I am Bitchy
I am annoying