Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I hate people who post on blogs....

Night my little STFU'S. So you probably are confused by my title, because I post on blogs...but I am saying I hate them....SO that makes me a a hypocrite. Now I don't actually hate people who post on blogs, I do however hate hypocrites. "I hate people who hate people" or "I hate people who talk behind other people's back, oh and Casey is a bitch" are famous lines by these bitches. Another quality they posses is if you tell them they are a hypocrite they yell at you and defend how they are not hypocrites. They then talk about you behind their back. The second kind of person I hate is the exaggeration stations. These people make things you do seem worst, and of course you are not around for this because they would be showing a backbone. They will say you backed out of something last minuet even if you gave them five months notice. Get yours hands off me you damn dirty bitches.

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