Sunday, March 13, 2011

I have returned

Hello my little STFU'S I decided to take a little break from Blogging, but I have returned as my title hinted at. I do not like Pity Seeking missiles. These  are people who are sad and use this for attention because they crave pity.  An example " I am ugly and my life sucks" and they say this in the middle of a group of people so people feel bad for them. Another thing these people do is use their facebook status's as a psychiatrist.    "Wow that hurt, glad I now know who is my friend and who is just out to hurt me". Every status update is some stupid quote or vent about being betrayed and everyone always writes " Awww sucks, you don't need them" or " Be strong they will get what is coming". What the hell is coming you idiots! Is there something that attacks people who are mean. Telling these people they are strong is ridiculous...... Um hello they are complaining about how they can't take it where does it sound like they are strong. People who are strong take all the bad stuff without complaining and still smile everyday, that is strong you song quoting, Hipster loving, hoe bags. Goodnight and remember you are strong!

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