Saturday, March 26, 2011

OH NO! Now I have to talk to you!

It is Saturday my STFU'S. So when you have a question you give a friend a call or text and they answer so you say thank you and they say " So what are you up to?" Crap! will maybe I can get out of this, unfortunately they say " Yeah I am just going to the market and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" So now we are roped into another hour of conversation with these Talking 24/7 bitch lines. 

Now a Poem:

Don't be so sweet

Don't give me a rose
Don't give me a ring
Don't tell me to be calm
Don't tell me you care

Do give me a heartache
Do give me regret
Do tell me you hate me
Do tell me I deserve the bad

Please be rude
Please be aggressive
Please don't change
Please don't understand the sarcasm

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