Friday, February 18, 2011

Are you the teacher? No.....THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

SUP MAH STFU'S. So over the last few weeks I have noticed some people in my classes think they have some god given right to tell people to shut up or act like they are better then everyone. I like to refer to these people as Nasty Ass Slutty Hoes, or NASH. Now these people are famous for lines such as " WOW! Can we be quiet" or "Sorry Miss Blank, they are like this because they are in high school and immature." Excuse me bitch, but you are in high school just like me, so don't act like you're better then us. I understand helping the teacher get control, but you don't have be rude about it. All you are doing is showing everyone what a stuck up bitch you are. So my little STFU'S my homework for you tonight is if you know someone like this, kick their ass! Enjoy your friday night, and remember Karma's a bitch and so am I.

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