Monday, February 14, 2011

If you don't stop being so negative I will have to cut you!

Hello my little STFU's. I told you I was back, bet you didn't believe! God have some faith jerks. Anyway, At school I always dread one class, and the reason is because everyone is so negative. I walk in and say "Hello everyone" Now by their reactions you would think I just said "Hey everyone, Can you only talk about all your problems". Some of them have reasons that makes sense, but others are just complaining so they can hear the sound of there own boring monotone bullshit of a voice.  I know everyone has a bad day, I have them; but every day they come in and bitch about stuff that isn't worthy to be classified as annoying let alone a problem. Anyway I promise not everything will be an angry rant from me. So until next Keep your mouth shut.

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