Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You get the best of both worlds. Something Happy and Something Angry

Evening my little STFU's. So I decided for today's post I would post three different things. The first being something happy. Today in my voice class we started looking for songs to sing. Among these songs we talked about Time Warp, Aint No Mountain High Enough, and It Don't Mean a thing if it Aint got that Swing. For those who don't know the third one, it is a swing type of song (thus the name). My music teacher said you need to have attitude and bring out your inner dive. My class then proceeded to look at me. This made me really happy because I have taken pride in being the biggest bitch there is, there was, and there is ever going to be. So I was happy that the class thought of me. Now for the angry (I'm good at being angry). As you learned in my previous post I dislike listening to people complain. I also hate listening to people getting super excited about nothing. This includes shaking, jumping, or saying yes over and over again. Calm down, Unless you just won the lottery (and not the one by Shirley Jackson), American Idol, or you are having a baby there is no need to shake with excitement.

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