Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Premature Interjeculation

Hello my little STFU'S. Have you ever been talking about something you like and then someone interjects with "OH MY GOD! I HATE THEM!" Excuse me, but I just said I like them so what makes you think you should say you hate them. Also at least wait until I finish my sentence, it is rude to interrupt we learned that in grade 1.  Another thing I don't like is "Where did you get that from......The 80's?" Or "That is so 90's." Funny, it was made this year so that makes it from the 2000s. If I want to sing Jenny From the Block I will, and I don't want any sass about how old it is. So have a great sleep.....People have been sleeping since Adam and Eve......THAT IS SO 4000 B.C!

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