Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh, you got a 98%, you also got a FUCK YOU from me.

Hello STFU'S, hope you had a great start to your week. So there are lots of these people in the world. They pray for tests, they study, and then wait for the results. Studying and doing well on tests is fine; however the people I hate is those that brag about the results. "YES! I got 42 out of 45." Other people didn't do so well and they don't need you to rub it in their face that you did well. Also don't complain about a good mark. Especially about a test that everyone else failed. "I got an eighty.....FML"..........BITCH SHUT YOU MOUTH, before I shove your test down your throat. So if I am may leave you with one little piece of advice let it be this, If you do this, you are a douche and your friends talk bad about you behind your back.

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