Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mean people are mean....Fake people are skanks

Hello my STFU'S, Hope you are having a great Saturday night. So I don't think there is anything wrong with being mean (as long as you know the limit). I do however not care for people who are mean and then get mad at others for being mean. "Guys that is so rude!" even though they have made fun of this person. Listen you Bitch, I may be mean, but at least I have the balls to be upfront about it. Stop being so fake. Another group of people I hate, is those who like to cyber bully or bully through texting. These people to me are cowards. Say it to my face or don't say it at all you pansy ass. When I confront these people they are all apologies, Then that same night they are texting me shit again. So enjoy your Saturday night, and try being mean to someone's face for a change.

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