Wednesday, February 16, 2011

DJ turn it down down down down!

Night time my little STFU's!  Now I love music, and I love my Ipod. I do not however love your Ipod. I am sure you have songs I love, but if I want to listen to them I will listen to them on my own. So I don't appreciate sitting next to you and listening to your music because you have your music set to a volume reserved for movie theatres. The worst part is it is usually a song I hate. "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars".......No we can't you stupid bitch. I really don't like when I am trying to talk to you and you can't hear me, so I yell your name over and over again until finally you look at me and notice me staring. Then these jerks have the nerve to say "Did you say something?, I can't hear with these things on, HAHA!". Of course you can't hear with your Ipod on, you idiot. You are listening to Ke$ha sing talk about drugs on a volume level that no one should use because it can cause deafness to those around you. So please for the sake of me and everyone around you, turn that shit down. Sleep tight, and do not talk in your sleep.

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