Sunday, December 18, 2011
Suck my diction!
Hello my little STFU's! So I just completed my first semester of university and holy shit was that not fun! Anyway I have come today to discuss annoying people and their vocabulary. The first kind of DICKtion user I hate is the one who uses bigger words than are necessary, just to sound smart. I have what is known as a BS detector, and I am able to tell when you are using big words just to sounds smart because they make you seem like a total douche bag. I'm not saying that using big words makes you a douche, but if you normally talk one way to me and then when you write or talk to someone else you use big words for the sake of sounding smart, you are a douche and need to stop. The second kind of person I hate is people who target others vocabulary to win an argument. An example is, I say "all a y'all" and when I debate with someone they target this and say "wow, you're a hick, ahuck!" Okay first of, that doesn't make your point right, second you are a total dick, third I will cut you down like a fucking tree! So I guess what I'm saying is An extensive vocabulary is a marvelous instrument in the art of Linguistics (See how annoying that is.) Anyway have a good day, I've got some bitches that need cutting.
Monday, August 22, 2011
What do we have here? Nothing, stop snooping!
Hello my stfu's! At one point or another we have all been on the computer or our phones and had someone creeping behind us. After you look at them they try to make it seem like they weren't reading your messages and so they ask "What are you doing?" Now this person is just curious, but remember Mitchell killed the curious.... I think that is how the phrase goes, anyway a good trick for these people is to reply with 'Talking shit about you". The reason this is a good thing to say is because that person was thinking that you were saying bad things about them to begin with and even though you say it jokingly they freak out and wonder if it is true. Another person I have a problem with is the can I use your phoney? These people pretend that they want to use your phone when if reality they wanna creep your texts, thus the name PHONEY! Clever I know. Anyway have a good night and turn around because someone is reading over your shoulder!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm back bitches
Hello my STFU'S I have returned to bring you the bitchiest comments on the net. Stay slutty
Monday, May 16, 2011
Well Hello my little STFU'S. So we have been in a situation when we had to ask someone a simple question and they know the answer. So we do our little dance for information and we say thank you and you close you Facebook Chat message and then boom new message. You open it and they say "No problem, so what are you up too?" no big deal I mean come on they helped you the least you could do is answer their question so you reply with "Not much just watching t.v, what about you" and you get the normal "Nothing, LOL :P" so you reply with "HAHAHAHAHAH" even though it was the least funny thing in the world. So done right? FUCKING WRONG! They come out you with "So I was buying a garbage can and after I bought my garbage can a man saw me and said boy you look like you could help and I did need help!" Now if you are like me you have no idea where this came from and have no clue how to reply so you come back with the always safe "haha." Finally they send you a link to something stupid youtube video and you reply with "Sorry I have to go but I'll watch it later." Which means you sign of Facebook chat and keep on creeping. I hope you guys have a great night and don't run into any long winded hoes.
Monday, May 9, 2011
There is being a bitch and then there is being mean
Another late night post my little STFU'S. So I want you to understand something... I am being a bitch in the right way. I am trying to make it so you can be proud of being a bitch but some people misunderstood me. They think I mean I want you to be mean to everyone. Being a bitch means making people look at their flaws (not physical but socially) and making them realize they need to change. Being mean is when you target someone's weakness to hurt them. Now the flaw I am pointing out today is being a nasty little person who thinks they are justified to say what ever they want because they think they are better then everyone. Now what I want you guys to do is if you notice someone being mean I want you to stand up for who they are being mean to even if you don't like the person being made fun of. No one deserves to feel like they are wrong because of things they can't control but everyone deserves to feel like someone cares. Have a wonderful night you beautiful bitches.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hello my little STFU'S so I haven't done a bitch rant for a little while now but have no fear your bitch is here. Now I don't like people who put bullshit on facebook that I know is just to make people think they are cool. Example Under list of inspirational people some people put Nelson Mandela and they don't even now anything that he has done for Civil Rights and South Africa. Or they put a quote from the bible or a famous quote and everyone likes it and puts comments like "That is so deep... I like to pretend that Airplanes are shooting stars because I have issues LOL!" News flash dumbass they didn't think of the quote, they used google until they found something that they could understand. I know we don't have to be honest on facebook but at least we should stop trying to seem better then we are. I lie on facebook however; I don't like things or people because I think people will like them. I liked them because I like them (God that sounds confusing) Anyway I am going to go to bed and don't worry my status won't be "Is staying up forever"
Friday, May 6, 2011
Yeah I am nasty, bitchy, and annoying
I am nasty
I am Bitchy
I am annoying
You are right
You are great
You are loved
Everyone is upset
Everyone will get over it
Everyone Stops being nice
No one is mad at you
No one is annoyed
No one is worst
I am Nasty
I am Bitchy
I am annoying
I am Bitchy
I am annoying
You are right
You are great
You are loved
Everyone is upset
Everyone will get over it
Everyone Stops being nice
No one is mad at you
No one is annoyed
No one is worst
I am Nasty
I am Bitchy
I am annoying
Friday, April 22, 2011
Another Poem
I ask
I cry
I pray
I regret
I believe
I forget
I remember
I regret
I know
I knew
I wish
I regret
I listen
I disobey
I get hurt
I regret
I cry
I pray
I regret
I believe
I forget
I remember
I regret
I know
I knew
I wish
I regret
I listen
I disobey
I get hurt
I regret
Monday, April 11, 2011
I'm not up to being angry today
Anybody Home? - Free Verse
You say I’m a whore
I say friendly
You say I’m a bitch
I say I’m honest
You say I’m rude
I say not polite
You say I make you cry
I say I make you feel
You say I’m loud
I say I can’t hear you I’m talking
You say screw you
I say thank you
I’m guess I’m optimistic
Friday, April 8, 2011
No clever title, I just really hate annoying people!
CHELLO! (NO TYPO) How are my STFU'S today? So I can not stand annoying people. A specific kind of annoying person, this person is known as the sit starter idiot who can't handle when someone they like is dating someone else so they get mad at this person and start saying stuff about them. I understand liking someone and being jealous, but I don't go around saying we had a relationship and they cheated on my with the person they are dating. Now because they did this people take their side and start talking shit about this couple. I am here to say SHUT UP! The other type of annoying person is over dramatic laughers. I don't mean people with loud laughs, I mean people who laugh obnoxiously. This includes putting their head on a desk to laugh, laughing for ten minuets, making and annoying sounds, or repeating the joke even though it was just said. Hopefully you don't know anyone like this, but if you do PUNCH THEM IN THE EYE! Night night my children!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My fault!?!?!?!?!?!?! MY ASS!
Afternoon my little STFU'S! So have you have known someone who did something bad and they told you about it? However what they told you affects a great friend of yours, so you have to tell that friend. This person then gets mad at you even though they are the ones who did something wrong. Now you may say " But you betrayed that friend!" Well shut the fuck up! They can't get mad that people know about something when they were the ones who talked about it first. Another group of people who need to get the fuck off the planet is relationshit developers (No typo). These are people who seem to think they have some sort of relationship with someone, when in reality this person was just being nice to them and they developed in their fucked up little minds that they had a relationship. I HEARD YOU GUYS TOLD PEOPLE I SWEAR ON MY BLOG! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTIES!!!!! Joking obviously, until next time have a super day.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Speak the fuck up or Shut the fuck up!
Evening my little STFU'S so I am sure you have met the annoying person who is always commenting on things or saying ridiculous catchphrases. You may be whispering to a friend and the commentawhore will say " I hate people who whisper!" or some stupid bullshit. Another type of person I do not like is the person who seems to want to play twenty questions when you are watching a movie. "WHO IS THAT?" " IS THAT A GHOST?" and other ridiculous questions that if they watch the movie they will understand. Have a good sleep.....GOD I HATE PEOPLE WHO SLEEP!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I hate people who post on blogs....
Night my little STFU'S. So you probably are confused by my title, because I post on blogs...but I am saying I hate them....SO that makes me a a hypocrite. Now I don't actually hate people who post on blogs, I do however hate hypocrites. "I hate people who hate people" or "I hate people who talk behind other people's back, oh and Casey is a bitch" are famous lines by these bitches. Another quality they posses is if you tell them they are a hypocrite they yell at you and defend how they are not hypocrites. They then talk about you behind their back. The second kind of person I hate is the exaggeration stations. These people make things you do seem worst, and of course you are not around for this because they would be showing a backbone. They will say you backed out of something last minuet even if you gave them five months notice. Get yours hands off me you damn dirty bitches.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
OH NO! Now I have to talk to you!
It is Saturday my STFU'S. So when you have a question you give a friend a call or text and they answer so you say thank you and they say " So what are you up to?" Crap! will maybe I can get out of this, unfortunately they say " Yeah I am just going to the market and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" So now we are roped into another hour of conversation with these Talking 24/7 bitch lines.
Now a Poem:
Don't be so sweet
Don't give me a rose
Don't give me a ring
Don't tell me to be calm
Don't tell me you care
Do give me a heartache
Do give me regret
Do tell me you hate me
Do tell me I deserve the bad
Please be rude
Please be aggressive
Please don't change
Please don't understand the sarcasm
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I can't decide who I dislike more!!!!!
I hope you had a good today my little STFU'S. So have you ever had two people fighting and you couldn't decide who you were rooting for in the fight. It is not because they are both right or wrong that can't decide, it is because they both piss you off. I hate when this happens because I have to hear the same story from two different people who change the story to make themselves looks good. "Oh my god, like she said I was ugly" and " All I said was she needs to get a haircut". I don't care! Fight in front of me and then forget it because I do not want to hear about this tomorrow. Have a great night.....No I said I wanted you to have an okay night!!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Inappropriate Song Choice
1.Car Crash - Shut up and Drive
2.Funeral - I keep Breathing
3.Bar mitzvah - We wish you a Merry Christmas
4.Alcoholics Anonymous - Shots
5.Someone's Death Bead - Any Minute now
2.Funeral - I keep Breathing
3.Bar mitzvah - We wish you a Merry Christmas
4.Alcoholics Anonymous - Shots
5.Someone's Death Bead - Any Minute now
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
You are right, I got mad because you were insulting my friend... What was I thinking?!?
Good evening my STFU'S! So have you ever met someone who when they insult someone you care about and you talk to them about it they get angry. They seem to think that because they hate this person that everyone has to. Can I be blunt as is my way, these people need to realize the world does not revolve around them and shut the fuck up. This person is my friend and I think it is kinda obvious. You don't have to like them, but you need to respect the fact that I am not comfortable with you insulting them. I have a nickname for these people, I like to call them The world revolves around meanies.......Or Bitches. I mean you can;t expect them to like all your friends, but if you have told this person you are not comfortable with them insulting your friend then maybe they could learn to stop being such super bitches and shut the fuck up. Have a great night, and if I just described someone who you are friends with then I am sorry and I will respect your wishes.....Yeah fucking right
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I have returned
Hello my little STFU'S I decided to take a little break from Blogging, but I have returned as my title hinted at. I do not like Pity Seeking missiles. These are people who are sad and use this for attention because they crave pity. An example " I am ugly and my life sucks" and they say this in the middle of a group of people so people feel bad for them. Another thing these people do is use their facebook status's as a psychiatrist. "Wow that hurt, glad I now know who is my friend and who is just out to hurt me". Every status update is some stupid quote or vent about being betrayed and everyone always writes " Awww sucks, you don't need them" or " Be strong they will get what is coming". What the hell is coming you idiots! Is there something that attacks people who are mean. Telling these people they are strong is ridiculous...... Um hello they are complaining about how they can't take it where does it sound like they are strong. People who are strong take all the bad stuff without complaining and still smile everyday, that is strong you song quoting, Hipster loving, hoe bags. Goodnight and remember you are strong!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Before he eats - A parody of Before he Cheats by Carrie Underwood
Right now he's probably slowly eatin
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting fresca
Right now, he's probably buying
Her some fruitopia
'Cause she can't shoot pepsi
Right now, he's probably up behind her
With a twenty
Showing her how to order a combo
And he don't know
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
Right now, she's probably up eating some
White-trash version of the Rib it
Right now, she's probably saying, "I'm Full"
And he's a thinking that he's gonna get Nuggets
Right now, he's probably dabbing on 3 dollars
Worth of that McChicken sauce
Oh and he don't know
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
I might've saved a little trouble for the next fat kid
'Cause the next time that he eats
Oh, you know it won't be behind me!
No, not behind me
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting fresca
Right now, he's probably buying
Her some fruitopia
'Cause she can't shoot pepsi
Right now, he's probably up behind her
With a twenty
Showing her how to order a combo
And he don't know
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
Right now, she's probably up eating some
White-trash version of the Rib it
Right now, she's probably saying, "I'm Full"
And he's a thinking that he's gonna get Nuggets
Right now, he's probably dabbing on 3 dollars
Worth of that McChicken sauce
Oh and he don't know
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
I might've saved a little trouble for the next fat kid
'Cause the next time that he eats
Oh, you know it won't be behind me!
No, not behind me
I dug my fork into the side
Of his pretty little sauced-up medium rare steak
Carved my name into his turkey
I took a Louisville slugger to both heads of lettuce
Smashed a hole in all 4 plates
And maybe next time he'll think before he eats
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
You seem to know everything, except that hate you
Greeting my STFU's. So have you ever met a person who thinks they know everything, and if you say anything different from what they said they use some sort of stupid logic that only makes sense in their mind to prove you wrong. I don't care if they think their right, but I care when they think that their is no other side to an argument. What I mean by that is that if you have a different opinion on say Religion, Same sex marriage, gun control, etc. they try and make you feel stupid for having a different opinion. "You think gay marriages should be legal that is stupid.... and while we are at it why don't we just allow people to kill people" and other psycho bullshit. If you have a problem with me and tell people you are not afraid of me, then why are you not saying it to my face. Seriously bring it on because I love confrontation and I love it went people start confrontation with me. Either grow some balls or shut the fuck up. Anyway enjoy the rest of your evenings my little STFU'S
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I hate people who repeat thing....Repeat things......Repeat Things
Hello my STFU'S how are you?.....Yeah don't care. So I believe if you have good news you should share it, but I only need to know this once. For example " Hey guys I got into ________ University.........GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! I GOT INTO _________ UNIVERSITY." It is even worst if this person irritates the living shit out of you. I don't care that you got in, and I am not going to care the tenth time you told me. Another type of person I dislike is the person who seems to think you are their friends, even though you make it clear that you don't like them. "Hey Mitchell!" "Shut up bitch" "Oh you are so funny!" These people usually only talk about themselves and repeat that same thing over and over again as I demonstrated above. However, I love these people because they help you make friends with everyone else who knows them because everyone shares the interest in hating those people. Have a wonderful week you little STFU's.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Forgive me, I was busy the last two days
Greeting my little STFU'S. I hate people who complain as you are well aware, but I really don't like people who complain who say "You don't know what a hard life is." Excuse me!?!?! You don't know anything about my life and have no right to say my life or anyone else's is easy. The difference is we don't complain all the fucking time. Hipsters are alright, but they do not need to brag all the time! "I was doing that before it was cool" I don't give a rats ass what you did or when you did it. Cool you started a trend that you now hate because everyone likes it. Hipsters = Biggest Douche Bags on the planet. Have a great day, and remember I made fun of Hipsters before it was cool.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Love For Food Story - A Parody of Love Story by Taylor Swift
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my mouth
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a reinforced balcony in summer air
See the crumbs
See the milk, the empty cookie jar
I see you make your way across the table
And say eat me, little did I know
That you were Edward Cullen, you were hunting Victoria
And Charlie said stay away from BElla
And I was crying on the counter
Begging you please don't go stale, and I said
Oreo take me somewhere we can eat alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is get on a power scooter
You'll be the Junk and I'll be the fat kid
It's a love for food story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to MCdonalds to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're on a diet if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
'Cause you were Edward Cullen, I was topaz eyes
And Charlie said stay away from Bella
But you were 40 calories
I was begging you please don't go stale and I said
Oreo take me somewhere we can eat alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is get on a power scooter
You'll be the Junk and I'll be the fat kid
It's a love for food story baby just say yes
Oreo save me, they try to tell me to go on a diet
This meal is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, I'll eat you without a mess
It's a love for food story baby just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting for dessert
Wondering if you were even double stuffed
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
oreo save me I've been feeling so hungry
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my Gut? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a onion ring
And said, Eat me Fatass
You'll never have to be Hungry
i'm double stuffed and that's all I really know
I talked to Jenny Craig, go pick out a white glass of milk
It's a love for food story baby just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Premature Interjeculation
Hello my little STFU'S. Have you ever been talking about something you like and then someone interjects with "OH MY GOD! I HATE THEM!" Excuse me, but I just said I like them so what makes you think you should say you hate them. Also at least wait until I finish my sentence, it is rude to interrupt we learned that in grade 1. Another thing I don't like is "Where did you get that from......The 80's?" Or "That is so 90's." Funny, it was made this year so that makes it from the 2000s. If I want to sing Jenny From the Block I will, and I don't want any sass about how old it is. So have a great sleep.....People have been sleeping since Adam and Eve......THAT IS SO 4000 B.C!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oh, you got a 98%, you also got a FUCK YOU from me.
Hello STFU'S, hope you had a great start to your week. So there are lots of these people in the world. They pray for tests, they study, and then wait for the results. Studying and doing well on tests is fine; however the people I hate is those that brag about the results. "YES! I got 42 out of 45." Other people didn't do so well and they don't need you to rub it in their face that you did well. Also don't complain about a good mark. Especially about a test that everyone else failed. "I got an eighty.....FML"..........BITCH SHUT YOU MOUTH, before I shove your test down your throat. So if I am may leave you with one little piece of advice let it be this, If you do this, you are a douche and your friends talk bad about you behind your back.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I'm Glad By Mitchell Leger
I'm glad you're my friend
I'm glad we make plans
I'm glad you don't keep them
I'm glad you don't give me a reason
I'm glad you don't tell
I'm glad I wait all day for you
I'm glad you pretend you didn't
I'm glad my problems don't matter
I'm glad your problems always come up
I'm glad you ditch me
I'm glad you treat me different when others are around
I'm glad you judge me
I'm glad you look at me to feel better
I'm glad you don't care
I'm glad that I say this is the final time
I'm glad that when you ask again I'll forgive you
I'm glad I trust you
I'm glad that I shouldn't trust you
In the end...
I'm just glad you talk to me
I'm glad we make plans
I'm glad you don't keep them
I'm glad you don't give me a reason
I'm glad you don't tell
I'm glad I wait all day for you
I'm glad you pretend you didn't
I'm glad my problems don't matter
I'm glad your problems always come up
I'm glad you ditch me
I'm glad you treat me different when others are around
I'm glad you judge me
I'm glad you look at me to feel better
I'm glad you don't care
I'm glad that I say this is the final time
I'm glad that when you ask again I'll forgive you
I'm glad I trust you
I'm glad that I shouldn't trust you
In the end...
I'm just glad you talk to me
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Mean people are mean....Fake people are skanks
Hello my STFU'S, Hope you are having a great Saturday night. So I don't think there is anything wrong with being mean (as long as you know the limit). I do however not care for people who are mean and then get mad at others for being mean. "Guys that is so rude!" even though they have made fun of this person. Listen you Bitch, I may be mean, but at least I have the balls to be upfront about it. Stop being so fake. Another group of people I hate, is those who like to cyber bully or bully through texting. These people to me are cowards. Say it to my face or don't say it at all you pansy ass. When I confront these people they are all apologies, Then that same night they are texting me shit again. So enjoy your Saturday night, and try being mean to someone's face for a change.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Are you the teacher? No.....THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH!
SUP MAH STFU'S. So over the last few weeks I have noticed some people in my classes think they have some god given right to tell people to shut up or act like they are better then everyone. I like to refer to these people as Nasty Ass Slutty Hoes, or NASH. Now these people are famous for lines such as " WOW! Can we be quiet" or "Sorry Miss Blank, they are like this because they are in high school and immature." Excuse me bitch, but you are in high school just like me, so don't act like you're better then us. I understand helping the teacher get control, but you don't have be rude about it. All you are doing is showing everyone what a stuck up bitch you are. So my little STFU'S my homework for you tonight is if you know someone like this, kick their ass! Enjoy your friday night, and remember Karma's a bitch and so am I.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Okay Bitch, just take the damn compliment
Good midnight my little STFU's. So you have probably met someone like this. You say "nice hair" and there reply is "thanks but I look like shit today". "So I say no I really mean it". This is okay every once in a while, I mean we all feel like people are just being nice. However; there are those that do this with every compliment, and eventually I just have to say "You know what, I was wrong you do look like shit". I am not a lake, so don't go fishing for compliments in me. I will compliment you when I feel like it and if you don't agree well sucks to be you bitch. Have a great friday, just remember BE QUIET!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
DJ turn it down down down down!
Night time my little STFU's! Now I love music, and I love my Ipod. I do not however love your Ipod. I am sure you have songs I love, but if I want to listen to them I will listen to them on my own. So I don't appreciate sitting next to you and listening to your music because you have your music set to a volume reserved for movie theatres. The worst part is it is usually a song I hate. "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars".......No we can't you stupid bitch. I really don't like when I am trying to talk to you and you can't hear me, so I yell your name over and over again until finally you look at me and notice me staring. Then these jerks have the nerve to say "Did you say something?, I can't hear with these things on, HAHA!". Of course you can't hear with your Ipod on, you idiot. You are listening to Ke$ha sing talk about drugs on a volume level that no one should use because it can cause deafness to those around you. So please for the sake of me and everyone around you, turn that shit down. Sleep tight, and do not talk in your sleep.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
You get the best of both worlds. Something Happy and Something Angry
Evening my little STFU's. So I decided for today's post I would post three different things. The first being something happy. Today in my voice class we started looking for songs to sing. Among these songs we talked about Time Warp, Aint No Mountain High Enough, and It Don't Mean a thing if it Aint got that Swing. For those who don't know the third one, it is a swing type of song (thus the name). My music teacher said you need to have attitude and bring out your inner dive. My class then proceeded to look at me. This made me really happy because I have taken pride in being the biggest bitch there is, there was, and there is ever going to be. So I was happy that the class thought of me. Now for the angry (I'm good at being angry). As you learned in my previous post I dislike listening to people complain. I also hate listening to people getting super excited about nothing. This includes shaking, jumping, or saying yes over and over again. Calm down, Unless you just won the lottery (and not the one by Shirley Jackson), American Idol, or you are having a baby there is no need to shake with excitement.
Monday, February 14, 2011
If you don't stop being so negative I will have to cut you!
Hello my little STFU's. I told you I was back, bet you didn't believe! God have some faith jerks. Anyway, At school I always dread one class, and the reason is because everyone is so negative. I walk in and say "Hello everyone" Now by their reactions you would think I just said "Hey everyone, Can you only talk about all your problems". Some of them have reasons that makes sense, but others are just complaining so they can hear the sound of there own boring monotone bullshit of a voice. I know everyone has a bad day, I have them; but every day they come in and bitch about stuff that isn't worthy to be classified as annoying let alone a problem. Anyway I promise not everything will be an angry rant from me. So until next Keep your mouth shut.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
School Work....BLEH! but not really
Hello my little STFU's. I know I haven't posted in a very long time now, but I'm back and a bigger bitch then ever. For my creative writing class we had to create a blog and post twice a week. So I decided I would use this one.
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